Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fear of design Commitment

On a recent downtown trip to SOHO to explore some of my favorite shopping treasures of NYC like Ted Muehling, Moss, de Vera, Etc. I started to notice a lot more graffiti then on my last visit. At first I was a little concerned remembering the Pre-Giuliani days in NYC when graffiti was everywhere with little regard to New Yorkers that had to survive here. Covering all the subway maps, or any sign in the subway for that matter. When a taxi horn brought me out of my daydream of old NYC, I became fascinated with the concept of Design (or art) without commitment. You have an idea, do it on the wall, and walk away, done!

What a wonderful way to do Design (or create), no commitment to production, no clients to appease, no shipping, no quality control, no estimated taxes to pay, no design drift, just raw design. Wow, no overhead other then the cost of the can of paint. But of course no income either, but let me have my fantasy. Just design from the Gut, guttural design, like when I am sitting at the drawing table with a big piece of paper and lots of tiny inspirational sketches. Treasure this moment before you turn it into production. Who could ask for more?

Be sure to check out this months issue of Interview magazine to read about Brian Donnelly a.k.a KAWS a street artist's life. Or to see a video on Mr. Donnelly click KAWS.

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